Friday, September 5, 2008

Composition & Rhetoric

I just started some new freshman classes to make up for prerequisites not covered in my previous degree. One of the required courses is Freshman Composition II. I just turned in my first assignment and I am going to publish it here. In class the instructor showed us the video An Inconvenient Truth staring Al Gore. He then showed us some opposing views. We were then asked to pick a side and explain our view. Keep in mind that I only had a day to do the research, and the paper was only one page in length. I feel this limited me in making a solid case. There is so much debate on this issue that it could literally take a life time to research. Be warned, this is where my super conservative side comes out.

Edward Ellsworth
WRC 1023
4. September 2008

The Question of Global Warming

One of Shakespeare's most famous quotes comes from the tragedy of Hamlet, where he asks the rhetorical question, "to be, or not to be." Alarmist Al Gore seems to be asking the same question with the emphasis on taking action against global warming. The "to be" represents a safe environment, and the "not to be" represents a man-made disaster. There are serious doubts about the validity of his argument, because of Al Gore's actions and some of his statements.

In his film he makes claims as though they were absolute. He says that "Scientific consensus is that we are causing global warming."(Gore) If consensus means that scientists are all in agreement there is no evidence to support that statement. Dr. Peter Webster from the Georgia Institute of Technology makes claims that man-made factors are partly at fault for more severe storm systems, while researcher Chris Landsea from the U.S. National Hurricane Center argues that these claims are fictitious.(Fitzpatrick Holtz) One article favorable to global warming concludes that the research is incomplete and gathering the data is "easier said than done."(Black)

Al Gore has also made a pretty good profit from his work. He went from being worth under four million after the vice presidency to being worth over one-hundred million today.(Lucas) There is nothing wrong with earning a little extra cash, but things can be a little different when your message is about stopping waste. His home reportedly uses 221,000 kilowatt hours, a ridiculous amount of wasted energy.(Lucas) His carbon credits tell the true story which is that, in order to live the carbon lifestyle, the world requires a tax. Al Gore is the tax collector.

People might be more willing to support Al Gore in the fight to stop global warming if he would present honest facts. It would also help if he would simply put aside some of the comforts in life to set a standard for the rest of the world to follow. There is no way that the rest of the world will invest in carbon credits unless they see the opportunity for a return on their investment. For now it appears that all investments are going into pockets of Al Gore.

Works Cited

Black, Richard."Global Warming 'proof' detected." BBC News. United Kingdom 2005. 09 Sept.2008.
Fitzpatrick, Dan, Robert Hotz."Scientists Remain Divided Over Issue Of Changing Patterns in Storms." Wall Street Journal. New York 2008. 03 Sept. 2008. 09 Sept. 2008.
Gore, Albert. An Inconvenient Truth.dir.Guggenheim,Davis Prod. Lawrence Bender, Laurie David, Lesley Chilcott and Scott Z. Burns. 21 Nov. 2007. DVD
Lucas, Fred."Cashing in on Climate Change."Foundation Watch. Aug. 2008.03 Sept.2008 Capital Research Center

1 comment:

Little Miss Sunshine said...

Wow! Great job for such short notice. Although, to me it wasn't obvious that you were against the theory of Global Warming. It sounded like you were against Al Gore. LOL! And who wouldn't be he's such a sniveling snob and con artist and I could go on but the rest of my name calling wouldn't be nice. he he. Hugz! Hey post more, Will ya!?!